Author Archive: mathew

I Hired an Act to Break the Ice

I knew that the seminar that was coming up was going to be intense. My company is taking on a new client, and his team wants to meet with my team to make sure we are all on the same page. I was given a schedule of what the twelve hour meeting would be like, and I was just thankful that it was going to be over a two day period. I knew that the meeting would go well, but I wanted some ice breakers thrown in. That is why I ended up hiring some football freestylers from a company that provides all kinds of acts that can be an ice breaker or even a main event.

I was able to watch videos of the football freestylers, and I was extremely impressed with how each one was able to handle the ball. Most of the people who would be at …

Financial Maintenance of My Family’s Elite Hotel

I am proud of my family and our historical success. We own one of the most prestigious and finest hotels in the United Kingdom. People from all walks of life come near and far to stay at our wonderful hotel. Many celebrities and public figures have also stayed at our hotel. We treat all of our guests as royalty. We have been in business for over 75 years in counting. I want to make sure to continue with more years. I decided to contact a consulting firm that specialized with hospitality accountants. I wanted my hotel to be in top financial performance.

In order to maintenance quality service at my hotel, I knew that things had to be perfect from the inside. My intent was to find a way to save time and money to run my hotel. The consulting firm that I hired offered to help me with …